dots ⚙️

Dotfiles Organize, Transfer & Sync

Setup 🏗️

Recommended to use with GNU stow.

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install GNU Stow (if not already installed):
    # Using apt (on Debian/Ubuntu)
    sudo apt install stow
    # Using brew (on macOS)
    brew install stow
  3. Change to the dots directory:
    cd dots
  4. Use GNU Stow to symlink the config files to home directory:
    stow .

Configs 🛠️

The repo has following configs:

Feedback 📝

Any ideas, suggestions, or feedback regarding dots, please feel free to open an issue on the repository.

Also share any config tips/tricks.

License 📃

Open-source licensed under the MIT license.